Corporate style

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Development of corporate identity and logo
t is important for any company to emphasise strengths and become recognizable. The development of its corporate identity and logo will help to solve these problems. Professionals of Sharaev Smartup Design Studio in Minsk are ready to embody the unique vision of your organization in symbols and images, reflect its essence, goals and values. We will come up with a name, develop a logo and design all the visual components of your brand according to uniform standards.
Why do you need a corporate identity?
Corporate identity will help:
increase your brand value and strengthen positioning;
enter a new market within the country or internationally;
make the company recognizable and more interesting to customers;
become better and more interesting than competitors;
simplify the launch of new products;
make advertising effective and facilitate its creation.
The corporate identity of the company helps to create a mood, an image and broadcast them to consumers with the help of logo carriers, fonts and other features. If you are aiming for a successful long-term work, you cannot do without the use of branded graphic elements.
How does the Sharaev Smartup Design team develop a logo and corporate identity?
We start by analyzing your company, studying the market and competitors. It helps to understand what visual field is important for your organization to be in, what ideas are suitable and how to develop your style so that it remains modern for a long time.
After that our team:
develops logo concepts, comes up with several options.
finalises the idea chosen by the customer.
creates the rest of the corporate identity elements of the company based on the approved logo.
The last stage of work is the preparation of a brand book. This is an instruction that tells about the compatibility of corporate colors, the use of different versions of the logo, the use of fonts depending on the situation. A brand book will help a company to build relationships with partners and potential customers.
How much does it cost to develop a logo and corporate identity?
Order this service in Sharaev Smartup Design Studio. We will help to develop elements of corporate identity for a company from any field, whether it be medicine, industry or charity.
We always calculate the price for our work individually, because each company chooses a different number of elements of its corporate identity, different complexity of the graphics with which we will work. To find out how much it costs to create a logo and corporate identity for your brand, please contact us via the feedback form or by phone.